Professional Digital Organizing
Get Organized! has been organizing digital content in the DFW since 2019

What is an IT Professional Organizer? A traditional Professional Home Organizer declutters and organizes closets, garages, and kitchens, maximizes space, sets up systems and processes, and provides resources and products (organizing tools) to help find the solutions for your home, business, and life. They are problem solvers for your physical space. An IT Professional Organizer does much of the same but with your digital spaces.
IT Organizers focus on organizing spaces and content on computers, laptops, tablets, phones, scanners, the cloud, and other devices. Clients often have content on many types of storage such as thumb drives, external hard drives, old devices, phones, and multiple clouds. The first step in digital organizing is to sort through this content (documents, photos, videos, music, etc.) to determine what you have and what organizing system will work best for you. The IT Organizer will recommend file structures and storage solutions, work with you to set them up, then make sure you understand how to maintain them. This will allow you to retrieve your content when and where you need it and to have a designated place to put new content.
During the initial consultation with our client, we set up rules for what is to be saved and what can be deleted. Our team can declutter files, folders, and libraries by eliminating unwanted or outdated documents, duplicate photos or music, or low-quality photos or videos. Once the decluttering is complete, the IT Organizer will make recommendations for efficient access and storage of the remaining content. The organizing system will be selected based on how you want to access your data, your budget, device compatibility, and added features you might want when comparing options.
Do not be concerned if you do not fully understand the decisions that go into organizing digital content. It is our job as experts to set up the system and explain the process in a way you understand. We promise to make it as simple and efficient as possible.
How you live, work, and function is specific to your home and family. Our IT Organizer will find the solution that is right for you. It may be as simple as offering a resource for you to implement, or as complex as finding the solution, putting it in place, and teaching you how to maintain it long after we are gone. Our IT Professional Organizers can get your entire family in sync and working seamlessly together. This added service is perfect for seniors or individuals who are uncomfortable with technology but want to take advantage of the valuable resources they offer.

Digital Content Organizing
Our IT Organizers will create a digital filing system for the contents of your brain, wallet, and file cabinet!
Photo and Video Organizing
Declutter, digitize, and store your valuable photo and video memories with Get Organized!
Digital Organizing Services
Digital Content Organizing
- Scanning documents to a digital format
- Setting up email folders, filters, and archiving rules
- Organizing digital documents, music playlists, and more
- Password organization
- Retrieving information from old devices
- Transferring files to other devices
Digital content is the modern-day term for what we used to store in our brains, wallets, and file cabinets, and without organization, it can become a digital nightmare. Now, as we try to save space and use less paper, we are using technology as storage. Our IT Organizers can work with you to create an organized, paperless home by scanning documents, receipts, reference materials, recipes, and more, and begin the digital organizing process.
Once you bought a new phone or laptop or tablet, you probably got excited about all the information you could find and save to use or view at a later time. Files, music, and documents become scattered in various places on your computer and phone with no real system to make retrieval easy. We have clients who have created email overload and need help organizing the emails they want and filtering out those they do not need to save. Our IT Organizers can create a file system on your computer to match the organization you once had in your file cabinet. They can even set up a system to move files to an internal or external location for future reference or as required by the government for tax audits.
Numerous devices and accounts have created a need for organization and safekeeping of usernames and passwords. Let our IT Organizer offer suggestions on how to format and store your passwords in a safe physical or digital location.
With the abundance of new technology and the speed at which devices become outdated, it may be that you have a number of unused devices in your home with digital content left behind. When you buy an updated version of your devices, do you know how to pull information from your old device for storage or transfer the data to an organized place? If not, we can help you salvage the information and merge it into your current digital system.
Our IT Organizers can schedule time to problem-solve solutions for organizing, accessing, and storing your digital content. We provide you with the best applications for you based on your devices and content. Not tech savvy? No problem. Our IT Organizers will explain things on your level and go at your pace. We will not consider a project complete until you are comfortable with your technology and can function in the areas that are important to you.
Photo and Video Organizing
- Scanning photos to digital format
- Resources for video transfer to digital format
- Creating a file structure for digital photos and videos
- Decluttering photo and video files by eliminating unwanted, duplicate, or low-quality photos or videos
- Tagging photos for easier retrieval
Our IT Organizers are experts at scanning and can help you digitize your photos with the right equipment. We can also assist you in having your older format videos transferred to newer technology. If you have many years of inherited print photos and important and current digital family photos and videos, you might also want a system that allows you to share the content versus one that stores the material on a single device with limited access.
Digital Set-Up
- Setup and activate new devices
- Synching devices and accounts
- Setting up remote technology for travel
- Setting up and synching printers and scanners
- Troubleshooting IT devices (cell phones, computers, tablets, smartwatches, etc.)
Have you purchased technology based on a family or friend’s recommendation and have no idea how to set it up or really use it well? Today it is a MUST to have working technology to stay connected to your family, friends, and outside resources. Whether you are a senior from a generation of no technology or just challenged to learn new devices and applications, our IT Organizers will work with you at your current level.
Our team can make sure all your devices and accounts work together when you are in your home or on the road. If you travel frequently, our IT Organizer will consider saving content to a space that is accessible from any location in the world with internet access.
We are happy to set up printers and scanners and sync with home internet and phones. This will allow you to share information on paper as needed and also have a way to eliminate some of your paper clutter through digital filing.
Additional Digital Organizing Services
Schedule your FREE phone consultation with our office
Digital Content Organizing - Our Process

In-Home Digital Organizing Consultation **Maximum 2-Hour Consultation - $150**
An in-home IT consultation is where digital organization begins. We gather information on your current technology and devices and discuss your needs and ultimate digital goals. Sometimes our clients know what they want but need help with the implementation, while others are so overwhelmed with the disorganization of their content that they have no idea where to begin. This consultation will be a time for evaluation, brainstorming, and discovery of your devices and content. At the end of the consultation, your IT Organizers will work with you to create an action plan based on time and budget. Your IT organizers can also schedule your next appointment (2-hour minimum) which will take place in your home. It is suggested you leave 3-5 days between your IT consultation and your first workday to get prepared based on recommendations from your IT Organizers.
Before IT Organizers arrive for the consultation:
- Make sure you have your device(s) on and charged. Have charging cords or stations available in case the batteries are drained by the work.
- We recommend that accessible information be backed up prior to the appointment if possible.
- Have account login information, usernames, and passwords as needed. Valuable time will be wasted if IT Organizers are unable to get access to necessary devices and applications.
- Make sure you have internet connectivity. If your power is out or your internet is down, you will want to reschedule your appointment.
- Have a notepad, pen, and calendar for note-taking and scheduling future appointments. Be prepared to give us your full attention during the Consultation.

After the Consultation
At the end of the consultation, our clients often choose to schedule days for us to begin the process of setting up accounts, gathering material from devices and storage, organizing content, and more.
Within three (3) business days of the consultation, you will receive a follow-up email from your IT Organizer. This email will contain an action plan of your priorities, suggested homework you may need to do prior to the next workday, or links to software, hardware, apps, or solutions that should be considered and/or purchased for the best organizing result.
If workdays are scheduled at the consultation, IT Organizers may need to purchase software or hardware, set up accounts, transfer data, and/or move content to be ready for the next appointment. Our rate for shopping (if needed) is $50 per hour plus mileage (when applicable) and the cost of the items. The shopping hourly rate is also charged during shopping travel time. Since most purchases are ordered online, travel and in-store shopping are kept to a minimum. Software and hardware purchases are non-returnable and non-refundable and may be billed in advance of scheduled workdays. Our goal is to make sure you have the proper supplies on hand while also being efficient with our time and your money.

Starting the Job
Depending on the plan of action discussed at the consultation and follow-up email, our IT clients might be given some homework to have completed prior to our arrival for the IT workday. Some clients will choose to work alongside the IT Organizer to answer questions and help make decisions, while some prefer to make themselves available for questions, but let the organizers do all the work. We understand we are working with important and private information, so we want our clients to choose the conditions during the workdays. It is this teamwork that allows our clients to learn the skills needed for future IT projects.
As mentioned above, IT appointments are a minimum of 2 hours in the client’s home. In some cases, and only with the client’s approval, the IT Organizers may work on a project remotely. If any work is conducted outside of the client’s home/office, our IT Organizers will set up remote access with permission including temporary passwords to gain access to accounts. Again, this is only in certain cases and only with our client’s advanced approval.
Get Organized! agrees to keep all client details confidential for the security of the home and its contents. The information will stay within Get Organized! unless otherwise granted permission to disclose to others.
The IT Organizers at Get Organized! are being paid only while on a scheduled job. It is important that as a client you allow time before the end of your appointment to go over any future plan of action. This includes homework assignments and purchases needed to complete your job. Remember to take notes on the discussion at the consultation and subsequent appointments so you will be able to recall important information without having to contact your organizer(s) after work hours.
If you require “after-hours” consulting (more hands-on time, action planning, brainstorming, etc.) with your IT organizers, you will be charged our standard IT hourly rate for one organizer. The IT Organizers will keep track of the time spent on phone calls, texting, and email, and you will be billed monthly. We understand some clients want more access to their organizer, so we offer this service at an additional charge.
It is our goal you receive exceptional customer service at all times and at the same time Get Organized! must compensate its organizers for their work after hours. Please be aware of this policy so a bill for this service does not come as a surprise.
Additional Information About Our Rates and Policies
Our Client Managers will review how our process works, gather the necessary technical information, explain pricing, and schedule appointments. After the initial consultation, IT organizing is billed hourly (2-hour minimum). The IT Organizers will offer an estimated number of hours for the project after the consultation. Additional hours needed over the estimated time will be discussed and approved by the client.
How long a job will take depends on:
- use of a wired or wireless network and the speed of the network
- speed of the NIC (Network Interface Card) connecting to those networks
- age of device(s) - technology age triples every 6 months
- how full the hard drive is (once a hard drive nears full capacity it starts to run slower)
- how hard-drive is mirrored (RAID0 | being backed up in multiple places)
- whether the devices have the latest updates (software and driver updates, etc.)
- easy access to login information and passwords
- client’s ability to make decisions
Even if the home has high-speed internet, one of the factors above may cause bottle-necking (slowing down) at a certain phase in the project, causing a need for more hours to complete.
You may be using purchased or free software that is outdated or has limitations. At times, our IT Organizers will use new applications to problem-solve issues. Our IT Organizers cannot know 100% of all applications available for your device and/or what you have been using. Most are intuitive to our IT Organizers, as they become familiar with the nuances of your device. This does not constitute training on the client's time.
Sometimes when working on one priority we discover an unexpected step that must be handled to continue the process. Working with technology issues often requires troubleshooting and time to set up a new step or system. Be assured we are organized and efficient with our steps and will do our best to complete tasks as quickly but accurately as possible.
Estimates are for IT Organizing services only and do not include additional expenses such as mileage, surcharges, supplies, shopping, research, etc. Final billing may vary from the initial estimate or quote based on additional expenses and the unexpected. We promise to communicate with you about additional expenses before we move forward. The initial consultation and scheduled workdays will be billed to the credit card on file at the end of the appointment.
Hourly Rate: To be discussed with our office on a phone call to 972.841.0738.
Mileage Rates: Get Organized! has IT organizers throughout the DFW area. It is our goal to match the best IT organizer to each client’s needs. We do take into consideration the client’s location when assigning an IT organizer to a job. Clients who are over 30 miles round trip from our IT organizer will have an additional cost per mile (IRS mileage rate) added to the total job cost. Mileage will be determined from the location of the IT organizer to the client and is based on round-trip using
Due to the increase in fuel costs and drive time with traffic in the DFW area, any jobs that have a calculated drive time between 45 minutes and 1 hour (one way) from the location of the IT organizer and based on, will incur a $25 surcharge for each scheduled appointment. The client will be billed per job, not per IT organizer, for mileage and/or surcharges.
If the IT Organizers are distracted by clients’ family members or household guests, pets, contractors in the home, etc. during an organizing appointment, we reserve the right to bill for additional time needed to complete the scheduled work scope.
The client will be liable for the full cost of the job even if an employee or independent contractor of Get Organized! feels their personal safety is in danger due to actions of the client or another party in the home and must leave the site.
We assume no liability for damage or loss of items that are not secured in a proper manner, or damaged prior to our appointment. (Example: heavy items on fragile shelves or dings in furniture or devices that were there before we organized). Further, we assume no liability for damage or loss caused by the negligence of the client, power outages, or weather-related consequences.
Appointments and pricing are based on the average time to complete IT organizing tasks. If the home is not found in an “average” condition or in the condition noted at a consultation or described at booking, Get Organized! reserves the right to bill for the extra time. Our IT Organizers will do a quick walk-through with you when they arrive for your appointment. Our purpose is to ensure we know your priorities, the layout of the home, and little nuances that will allow us to serve you better, and to adjust pricing if the description of the home when booking was not accurate.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel your appointment with Get Organized! or request a reduction of the IT organizing team without incurring a charge, call 972.841.0738 (24 hours/7 days a week) at least 48 hours before your appointment and leave a detailed message. We will call back to reschedule the appointment at a mutually agreed-upon day and time. We understand sometimes this will be impossible. Each client is allowed ONE (1) NO-CHARGE cancellation or reschedule with less than 48 hours' notice. Exception: If a client cancels/reschedules once IT organizer(s) is en route to their home, it falls under our No Show Policy (see below) and will incur a no-show fee of $100. If a client continues to have cancellation and rescheduling issues without appropriate notice, a fee of $100 will be charged for each instance thereafter.
In instances where excessive rescheduling and cancellations occur (3 or more, even with a 48-hour notice), clients will be charged a $50.00 rescheduling/cancellation fee per appointment. If it continues, we may ask the client to find another IT organizer best suited for his/her scheduling needs. Excessive rescheduling disrupts our service to other clients and negatively impacts our IT organizers' ability to earn income. Please consider your dates and times carefully when booking your appointments. Get Organized! desires to give every single client our absolute best.
No Show Policy
If the IT organizer(s) is en route to your home or arrives at your home/office for your scheduled appointment and you cancel/reschedule the appointment or request a reduction of the IT organizing team that has arrived, or if they arrive at your home and you are not at home or ill or have a schedule conflict and are unable to keep the appointment, you will be charged a $100 no show fee plus mileage if applicable. Read the Cancellation Policy above for more information.
When scheduling your consultation, we will obtain your credit card information for billing purposes. By giving us your credit card information, you accept and agree to our Cancellation and No Show policies.
We accept all major credit cards, cash, checks, or Zelle. Get Organized! will collect your credit card information prior to your organizing appointment. Payments will be processed at the end of the appointment.
You will receive an invoice via email the day before your appointment or the day of with the total amount due for that day’s work. Any changes in the total amount due such as additional hours worked or products purchased by our IT organizers will be reflected on the final invoice run through your credit card, or recalculated at the appointment when paying by cash or check. A new receipt will then be emailed to you.
Clients who wish to pay by credit/debit card for actual shopping expenses (products) will have an upcharge of 3.5% ONLY on the products purchased but not mileage or hourly rate for shopping. If the client chooses to pay in cash or check, the 3.5% upcharge will be waived. The 3.5% is only being charged to offset credit card processing fees.
Additional Notes
Flexibility is vital to the organizing process. There may be times when an IT Organizer will come up with a better idea or request certain products/services to help with the project. These changes are always discussed and implemented with your approval. If you choose to have us work with digital organizing products/services you already have and not purchase specific items we have suggested, the overall results may be less than optimal.
This information is subject to change without notice.
IT Privacy Statement: Our Professional IT Organizers have been fully vetted through at least three (3) interviews, reference checks, and a full criminal background check. We understand privacy is important to you and we do our best to protect your right to privacy. Every member of our Get Organized! Team has a signed contract that prohibits them from sharing client information outside of Get Organized!. When working with our IT Organizer, clients have the right to decline our access to their data at any time. Declining access to data may affect our ability to serve. Click HERE to read our full Privacy Policy.
Organizing for Home, Business & Life